Business Enterprise Program Vendors Committee

The Randolph-Sheppard act provides for the elections of a BEP Vendors Committee to represent all of the program licensees. Blind vendors, or “operators,” of Washington State’s Business Enterprise Program may serve on this committee to participate with the Department of Services for the Blind in:

  • Major administrative decisions, policy and program development.
  • Receiving and transmitting to the agency grievances at the request of blind vendors.
  • Development and administration of a state system for the transfer and promotion of blind vendors.
  • Development of training and retraining programs of blind vendors.
  • Co-sponsoring, with the agency, meetings and instructional conferences for blind vendors throughout the state.

BEP’s blind vendors elect their peers to serve on the committee for two-year terms.


Vendor Committee Members

  • Robert Miller, At-Large, Committee Chairman
  • James Janney, NW Region
  • Stephanie Hilton, NW Region
  • Robert Ott, SW Region, Committee Co-Chair
  • Shannon Warnke, SW Region
  • Gloria Walling, NW Region


Vendor Committee Meeting Minutes

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For more information on BEP and the Blind Vendors' Committee, contact Jim Hemmen at 360-725-3844.