Chat with us
Please review the following privacy information before initiating a chat session.
You will be working with a live operator who will be able to aid you in locating assistance for your issue. This operator will have access to certain information about your session. Live chat is available Monday through Thursday during business hours, excluding state holidays. At other times the link can be used to send a request or inquiry via email.
Privacy Information
When this page is first opened a cookie is placed on your system and the DSB operators are notified that a visitor has entered the chat site. At this time, operators can see the following information about your session:
- Browser type and version
- Host address
- Host IP number
The purpose of the cookie is to enable the system to associate each of your sessions with any previous sessions so that each operator will be able to assist you without requiring that you repeat any information previously provided. You are not required to enable cookies to use chat. The cookie will not track any of your browsing activity beyond this page.
Transcripts of the chat sessions contain the following information:
- Session date
- Session start and end time
- Operator name
- Visitor name as entered
- Browser type and version
- Host IP number
- The text of the discussion
- Exit interview responses
- Topic
- Email address if a transcript was requested
Operators will not ask for, and you should not provide, any personal information such as full name, date of birth or social security number.